Add directors to company online with some easy steps for startup company or business. GetmyCA services will help you in appointing or removing directors to your company. Director of a company is a person elected by the shareholders for managing the affairs of the company as per the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the company. Since a company is an artificial judicial person created by law, it can only act through the agency of natural persons. Thus, only living persons can be Directors of a company and the management of a company is entrusted to the Board of Directors.
Appointment of Directors to a company can be required for a company from time to time based on the requirements of the shareholders of the business. Adding new members to a corporate board of directors always requires the approval of the corporation's shareholders.
To add a director in company , the person proposing to become a Director must obtain a digital signature certificate (DSC) and director identification number (DIN). DIN can be obtained for any person who is above the age of 18. The nationality or residency status of the DIN applicant does not matters. Hence, Indian Nationals, Non-Resident Indians and Foreign Nationals can obtain DIN and be appointed as Director of a company in India.