DSC Digital Signature Certificate

Inquire for DSC- We are Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar!!!

Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar

DSC : Digital Signature Certificate

Getmyca provides Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar and signifies the use of Digital Signatures on the documents submitted in electronic form in order to ensure the security and authenticity of the documents filed electronically. GetmyCA- Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar, DSC Certificate is required to verify & authenticate documents online on various financial, legal, government etc platforms. We can help you to obtain DSC within 2 working days.

What is Digital Signature (DSC)?

GetmyCA Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar tells that DSC is a physical signature in an electronic format. Digital Signatures are used in India for online transactions such as Filing Annual Return, Company or LLP Incorporation, Income Tax E-Filing, E-Tenders, etc. There are 3 types of Digital Signatures, Class I, Class II and Class III Digital Signatures.

Class I Digital Signature is used for securing email communications.
Class II digital signature is utilized for company registrations, IT Return E-filing, Obtaining DIN, DPIN etc.
Class III digital signature registration are used for E-tendering and participating in E-Auctions.
GetmyCA Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar will help you to get your Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in fast track processing.

How we help with Digital Signature services in Alipur-Duar

Application Submission

The Digital Signature Applicant must submit the Digital Signature Application along with the relevant documents in hard copy format through courier.


Once the Digital Signature application is received by IndiaFilings, the application will be immediately process and Digital Signature will be issued next day.


Once the Digital Signature USB token is ready, IndiaFilings can courier the USB token to your address or hold for pickup at one of our Offices.


Documents Required For DSC

DSC: Digital Signature

  • Passport size photograph
  • PAN card copy
  • Copy of Aadhaar Card/ Voter Identity Card

Reasons to Obtain Digital Signature

Class II Digital Signature

Class II Digital Signatures are used for Income Tax E-Filing, Company or LLP Incorporation, Annual Return Filing, etc., to file documents electronically with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Income Tax Department.


Digital Signature Certificate are stored on a secure USB flash drive called a E-Token . The Digital Signature Certificate stored in the USB flash drive must be connected to a computer to electronically sign a document.

Class III Digital Signature

Class III Digital Signatures provide the highest level of assurance and are used for E-Auctions and E-Tendering. Government entities like the Indian Railways, Banks, etc., require to participate in their E-Tenders.

Registering Authority

GetMyCA is a Licensed Registering Authority of Sify and E-Mudhra. Therefore, GetMYCA can help you obtain Sify or E-Mudhra DSC hassle-free and quickly.


About GetMyCA

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