FSSAI Registration

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FSSAI Registration services in Mughalsarai

FSSAI Food license

GetmyCA offers FSSAI Registration Services in Mughalsarai or you can say Food License services in Mughalsarai, FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety. Food license or FSSAI Registration is mandatory before starting any food business in Mughalsarai. Maintaining the food quality levels in order to ensure safety and providing satisfaction to every consumer is the aim of every Food Business Operator. Food safety and standards authority of India (FSSAI Registration Services in Mughalsarai) plays an important role in formulating the controlling procedures. It implements the measures in order to eliminate the toxic and the hazardous elements. The result is that every consumer receives an equal level of assurance of food safety. All the manufacturers, traders, restaurants who are involved in food business must obtain a 14-digit registration or a license number which must be printed on food packages. This step is taken by government’s food licensing & registration system to ensure that food products undergo certain quality checks, thereby reducing the instances of adulteration, substandard products and improve accountability of manufacturers by issuing food service license. FSSAI Online Registration is done through GetMyCA (FSSAI license consultants). FSSAI online registration will be done by us for Basic, State and Central level.

Based on Annual Turnover a FBO has to either apply for simple FSSAI Online Registration in FORM A with FSSAI or apply for a FSSAI Licensing in FORM B.

FSSAI Registration services in Mughalsarai

GetMyCA can help your business obtain FSSAI License in 15 to 20 days, subject to Government processing time.

Application Preparation

GetMyCA FSSAI Registration services in Mughalsarai Expert team will prepare your FSSAI Application along with the necessary supporting documents that needs to be submitted in Mughalsarai to FSSAI for registering your product or service at Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

Application Inspection

FSSAI has developed inspection checklist for facilitating Food Safety Officers to efficiently inspect the Food Business Operators FBOs. The inspection checklists are used to identify the level of compliance with each requirement that is set out in the regulation.

FSSAI License

Once the processing of the application and verification of it's related document and it's inspection is completed successfully by the FSSAI. The concerned FSSAI office will issue the FSSAI Registration or License with a validity of 1 or 2 years.

The authority is accountable to oversee the proper implementation of the FSS Act that has been enforced on various food business endeavors. The FSSAI Food License ensures that all the food manufacturers follow the laid rules and regulations during its operation. FBO without FSSAI licensing is liable to pay penalty for the offenses. The Act has defined OFFENSES AND PENALTIES related to food. Register now to ensure that, you are not liable for any offense and penalty thereof.

Annual Turnover | Registration/License

  • Below 12 Lakhs Registration FORM A
  • 12 Lakhs – 20 Crores State License FORM B
  • Above 20 crores Central License FORM B

Documents Needed for FSSAI Registration in Mughalsarai

  1. A declaration form stating all details mentioned are true.
  2. An authority letter stating permission to us to apply for an FSSAI Central License on your behalf.
  3. If you own the food factory or premises, the property papers are needed.
  4. In case the premises is a rented property, a copy of the rent agreement is required.
  5. A self-declared copy of the Food Safety Management System Plan.
  6. A copy of the electricity or water bill of the business place.
  7. A copy of the Aadhar card of the proprietor or director of the company.
FSSAI Services


FSSAI services and Documentation
  • The blue print or layout of the food processing unit.
  • List all the machinery units employed.
  • A list of the food products desired to be manufactured.
  • Pesticide residue reports of water.

Type of FSSAI registration !!


This is required for small businesses that have an annual turnover below Rs.12 lakhs. Basic registration can be upgraded to state license later as you grow your business. The maximum tenure of this license is 5 years and the minimum is 1 year.


Mid-sized companies that have an annual turnover more then 12 lakh and less than 20 crores need to apply for an FSSAI State License. The maximum tenure of this license is 5 years and the minimum is 1 year.


Large businesses that have an annual turnover of Rs. 20 crore and above must apply for an FSSAI Central License. Another scenario when an FSSAI Central License is required is when you need to supply food products to government offices or when you have to import and export food.

Guidelines on FSSAI License Number

  • The 14-digit number provides information about the manufacturer’s license or registration details and the manufacturing state which will be called as fssai no.
  • The Brand owner shall display the FSSAI logo and his license number on the label of food package.
  • In case of imported food products, the importer shall display FSSAI logo and license number along with the name and address of importer on a sticker to be affixed before customs clearance.
FSSAI guide

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