GST return filing

Inquire for GST return Filing in Purnia!!!


In Today's context, every business will have to comply with Tax Returns under Excise, VAT and Service tax. They also have to file returns in every state they operate. There is also uncertainty in deciding the place of manufacture and time of supply. GST Return Filing in Purnia and with GST in place, it does not matter whether you are a trader, manufacturer, reseller or a service provider, you only need to file GST returns. To file GST returns, GST compliant sales and purchase invoices are required. For GST Return Filing in Purnia, every person who registered his firm or business under the GST Act has to periodically furnish the details of sales and purchases along with tax collected and paid thereon, respectively,for filing GST return Online in Purnia. All entities having GST registration are required to file GST returns within due date. It is mandatory for all entities having GST registration irrespective of business activity.

GST Return Filing in Purnia , The Government of India has come up with various GST Return forms for taxpayers according to the categories for making an easy transaction. These forms are available on the official website of the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). To submit GST returns, the business owner or the person concerned needs to submit their sale purchase report along with the GST return procedure. GetmyCA will help you with easy GST return filing in Purnia, with GST Payers and let you know which type of Taxpayer you are.

Types of Taxpayer GST Return Forms
Normal Taxpayer GSTR 1
Composition Taxpayer GSTR 4
Foreign Non-Resident Taxpayer GSTR 5
Input Service Distributors GSTR 6
Tax Deductors GSTR 7
E-Commerce Portals GSTR 8

Type of GST Return Forms

  • 1. GSTR-1 The details of outward supplies are required to be furnished, electronically, in FORM GSTR-1 for a particular month is filed on or before the 10th day of the immediately succeeding month. In other words, GSTR-1 of a month can be filed any time between the 1st and 10th day of the succeeding month.
  • As a measure of easing the compliance requirement for small taxpayers, GSTR-1 has been allowed to be filed quarterly by small taxpayers with aggregate annual turnover up to 1.5 crores in the preceding financial year or the current financial year. As of now, this facility has been given till the quarter January-March 2019. Taxpayers with annual aggregate turnover above r 1.5 crore will, however, continue to file GSTR- 1 on a monthly basis.
  • 2. GSTR-3: GSTR3 or monthly GST return must be filed by a taxpayer after filing GSTR1 and GSTR2 return. GSTR3 is due on the 20th of every month GSTR-3B can be submitted electronically through the common portal either directly or through a notified Facilitation Centre. GSTR-3B is a simple return containing the summary of outward supplies, inward supplies liable to reverse charge, eligible ITC, payment of tax etc.
  • 3. GSTR-4: GSTR-4 should be furnished by 18th of the month succeeding the relevant quarter.GSTR-4 must be filed by taxpayer registered under the GST Composition scheme.
  • 4. GSTR-5: GSTR5 return must be filed by persons registered under GST as a non-resident taxable person. GSTR5 is due on the 20th of every month.
  • 5. GSTR-6: GSTR6 return must be filed by persons registered under GST as an input service distributor. GSTR6 return is due on the 13th of every month.
  • 6. GSTR-7: GSTR7 return must be filed by all taxpayers required to deduct tax at source (GST TDS). Under GST, only certain government agencies are required to deduct tax at source after obtaining registration. Hence, GSTR7 is due only for those entities having GST TDS registration. GSTR7 is due on the 10th of every month.
  • 7. GSTR-8: Due Date for GSTR-8 Form is 10th of next month. GSTR8 return must be filed by taxpayers required to collect tax at source. E-commerce operators are required to collect tax at source. Hence, any persons operating an e-commerce venture must register for TCS, collect tax at source and file GSTR-8
  • 8. GSTR-9: GSTR9 is GST annual return that must be filed by all regular taxpayers. Details submitted with GSTR9 must be audited if the entity has a turnover of more than Rs.2 crores. GSTR9 is due on or before the 31st of December.
  • 9. GSTR-10: GSTR10 return must be filed by any person whose GST registration has been canceled or surrendered. GSTR10 must be filed within 3 months of the date of cancellation order or surrender.
  • 10. GSTR-11: GSTR11 must be filed by persons having Unique Identity Number. GST Unique Identity Number is allotted to Consulate, Embassies and UN Bodies for claiming a refund on inward supplies.


  • GST return can be filed in different forms depending upon the nature of transaction and registration. Return Forms that are applicable for Normal Tax.

  • 1. Monthly Details of outward supplies in FORM GSTR-1 by the 10th of next month.
  • 2. Monthly Details of inward supplies in FORM GSTR-2 by the 15th of next month.
  • 3. Monthly Filing of Return along with payment of tax due in FORM GSTR-3 by the 20th of next month
  • 4. Annual Filing of Return in FORM GSTR-9 by 31st December of next financial year


  • Information Collection
    GetmyCA GST Expert will collect the necessary information and documents for preparation of GST return for your business.

  • GST Return Preparation
    Based on the documents and information collected, GetmyCA GST expert will prepare your GST return and send for your approval.

  • GST Return Filing in Purnia
    Once the GST return is verified and approved by you, our GST expert will file your GST return.

  • Congratulations, Your GST Returns are submitted!
  • 1. All it takes is 3-5 working days
  • 2. 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.
  • 3. Best in class customer care support.

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